Festival key visual for the selected year

Animanima 2019


Festival Promo

Animation: Vuk Palibrk
Sound: Katie Woznicki

Festival Catalog

Here you can download the festival catalog for this year in PDF format.

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JossieMalis (Spain), Paola Bristot (Italia) and Franck Dion (France)

Awarded Films

Awarded Movie Screenshot

Grand Prix


Frédéric Doazan (France)

Explanation: A film about letters and words that left us speechless. An apparently abstract film with a strong message about the spirit of our time, with a remarkable sound design that builds up the sense of catastrophe.

Awarded Movie Screenshot

SPECIAL  JURY AWARD – For the best directing


Claudius Gentinetta (Switzerland)

Explanation: The film represent the obscenity and emptiness of the current society, showing  without filters the insanity of the ego driven individualism that control us trough our "not so" smart devices.

Awarded Movie Screenshot

SPECIAL JURY AWARD – For the best animation


Leonardo Beltrán (Chile)

Explanation: The video clip cleverly reflects a environmental subject very present in our times. With limited visual elements, the director is capable of telling a powerful story about the estate of nature.

Awarded Movie Screenshot

C & M SPECIAL – For the best animated music video or TV commercial


Yoann Stehr (Belgium)

Explanation: For their originality and virtuosity of the mise en scene and surprising contrast between the vintage, kinky and surreal visuals.

Jossie Malis – Special Distinction


Michael Frei (Switzerland)

Explanation: For the approach of a subject related with childhood and the hurdles of acceptance and rejection. The minimalistic visual resources of their characters, rhythm and animation, provides a powerful and dramatic sense of an end road.

Awarded Movie Screenshot

Paola Bristot – Special Distinction


Ivana Bošnjak, Thomas Johnson (Croatia)

Explanation: The problem of the relationship between the human being and the nature, is expressed with empaty and sense of misterious. The stop motion animation is curated in all particularity and shows an impressive approach within the sensibility of the subject.

Awarded Movie Screenshot

Franck Dion – Special Distinction


Mykyta Lyskov (Ukraine)

Explanation: For just the film's violence, its comedy and humanity.

Awarded Movie Screenshot

C & M Special – Special Distinction of the Jury


Stefan Katanić (Serbia)

Explanation: For their powerful use of a graphic style and text, in perfect symbiosis with the rhythm of the music.

Awarded Movie Screenshot

Audience Award


Geza M. Toth (Hungary)

Awarded Movie Screenshot
Awarded Movie Screenshot
Awarded Movie Screenshot
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