Among the works of the great French poet Paul Claudel, one stands out even by its title: "The Eye Listens" (L'œil écoute). The collection of texts written in the first half of the 20th century about works of art and artists is a kind of exegesis on the edge of mysticism, but our attention is drawn to the Claudel’s premise: listening as a means of total reception.
That a picture can emit sound is already a known play of our senses, a synesthesia effect that often takes us under its spell. An animated music video starts from the opposite direction: the music "generates" the image. In the most expressive works of its kind, the synergy of two art forms results in the creation of an organic bond between image/movement and sound/music. Once we watched an animated music video that left impressed us, the absolute mutual "recognition" of visual and auditory will always be "conditioned" in our consciousness. An animated music video is a serious matter, our emotions are a pledge of it!
In a collection selected from the world's largest online archive of motion design and animation STASH, find a song for your eyes (only)!