
Festival 2024

November, 6-9th, 2024

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Awarded films of Animanima 2023

After five exciting days, the 17th edition of the International animation festival ANIMANIMA 2023 is finished, and here is the list of awarded authors.

Awarded films of Animanima 2023
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Does Fear Have A Name?

It has! For many people on the planet, the dental office chair could be one of them. It is almost certain that even the heartiest patients feel discomfort when the dental drill buzzes, that feeling is simply stronger than us.

Does Fear Have A Name?
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South American Master of Animation

We have a guest from far away. We have known his films for a long time. From "Lapsus", which was shown at Animanima in 2007, all the way to "Passenger", from last year's festival edition.

South American Master of Animation
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Awarded films of Animanima 2023

After five exciting days, the 17th edition of the International animation festival ANIMANIMA 2023 is finished, and here is the list of awarded authors.

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Awarded films of Animanima 2023
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Does Fear Have A Name?

It has! For many people on the planet, the dental office chair could be one of them. It is almost certain that even the heartiest patients feel discomfort when the dental drill buzzes, that feeling is simply stronger than us.

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Does Fear Have A Name?
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